Building Healthy Homes
At Carmadelle General Contacting, we help you create homes that will actually BENEFIT your health.
Using real materials and tossing the chemicals aside, we help you build a safe haven for you and your family.
Housing Consultation
With the Housing Consultation, I will give you all the info needed to build a healthy home including:
Building Materials
Avoiding Mold
Air Quality
Water Quality
Placement of Home
EMF & RF Measurement
With the EMF & RF Measurement Tool, we will come to your property to test the radiation levels.
$750 for 3 hrs
Contracting & Design
With the Contracting and Design Package, we will help build your healthy home from the ground up.
We will help you with
Getting Real Materials
Avoiding Mold
Air Quality
Water Quality
Placement of Home
With this Package you will
also have access to our amazing subs and contractors.
The first consultation is free.
Make it stand out.
Contact us.
(555) 555-5555
123 Demo Street
New York, NY 12345