Wholistic Fix is functional medicine for holistic healing
No meds, no magic, just new habits and healthy healing through NUTRITION, MOVEMENT, and BETTER LIFE BALANCE.
Your body is a temple and should be treated that way. With knowledge, experience and support, you can feel AMAZING AT ANY AGE. When you feel good, you do well in everything and the natural energy and clarity you’ll experience is irreplaceable.
I love working with each client on a personalized nutrition and lifestyle plan so they can achieve their health goals and feel truly supported through the entire journey. It’s my mission to help people develop a way of life they’ve only dreamed they could achieve.

“Courtney was very knowledgeable and helpful in creating a plan to enable my body to heal and avoid things that created negative reactions for me. Through her food sensitivity test, counseling on wholistic lifestyle choices, and thermography I was able to achieve decreased inflammation, decreased pain, removal of prescription medications, and weight loss. I highly recommend her services!”
Hi, I’m Courtney!
I was born and raised in New Orleans—surrounded by family, friends, food, festivals and fun—and would never want to live anywhere else. I graduated from LSU in 2000 with a Bachelor’s in Communication Disorders but discovered my true passion in a challenging but life-changing way when my first child was born.
She came into this world crying and never seemed to stop. She developed extreme acid reflux, ear infections, high fevers, mouth ulcers and eczema. She was on antibiotics constantly. I was anxious and worried and started struggling with my own health issues from stress and lack of sleep.
Doctors were unable to identify what was making her so ill, so I decided to take control and start researching on my own why she was always sick.
I discovered using the elimination diet she couldn’t tolerate milk protein. Our family eliminated dairy from our diet and immediately her health started to shift. We made a few additional changes which have led to a complete health overhaul for my whole crewe. I went from being a hot mess of anxiety, migraines and allergies, to knowledgable about how the human body works, and how critical, yet minimal options can lead to optimal health.
Conditions I treat
My clients come to me complaining of fatigue, migraines, anxiety, stomach pain, bloating, asthma, skin rashes and other discomforts.
Through my extensive training and work with my family and clientele, I’ve learned a wealth of information about:
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
Auto-Immune Inflammatory Diseases
Hormone Imbalance
Food Sensitivities
Sensory Disorders
Genetic Markers
MTHFR enzyme dysfunction
Irritable bowel syndrome
Contact Dermatitis
Electromagnetic Sensitivity
Mold Poisoning
High Cholesterol
Diabetes and more
When I started studying the immune system, I quickly realized that the key to optimal health is driven by an optimal immune system nourished by healthy lifestyle choices.
My Qualifications
I’ve been a passionate holistic practitioner since 2006, on a learning path to obtain the education and specialty certifications that allow me to be a leader in my field of healing practitioners.
My qualifications include:
Applied Functional Medicine for Coaching Level 2 Certified
Certified Thermography Technician
Certified Health and Wellness Coach
Institute of Integrative Nutrition Health Coach
Power Pilates Certified
Certified Holistic Wellness Counselor and Health Coach